Wednesday, November 07, 2012

I have no words...

... but Mark Stein found some appropriate on this, the morning after the Unites States gleefully embraced marxism:

I appreciate the sterling if pitiful efforts of my comrades to clutch at straws these last few hours, but, on this grim morning after, I fear the most salient analysis comes from Sir Richard Mottram, Her Britannic Majesty’s former Permanent Secretary for the Department of the Environment, Transport and the Regions, albeit speaking in another context:
“We’re all f***ed. I’m f***ed. You’re f***ed. The whole department’s f***ed. It’s been the biggest c**k-up ever and we’re all completely f***ed.”
Words to ponder.
I like Sir Mottram's words so much, I'll appropriate them and say it myself:  We’re all f***ed. I’m f***ed. You’re f***ed. The whole department country's f***ed. It’s been the biggest c**k-up ever and we’re all completely f***ed. 

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